Definitely Nothing To Do With Brexit in The AnswerBank: News (2024)

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Hymie | 08:22 Tue 04th Jun 2024 | News

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Oh Dear ,Oh Dear, Oh Dear.

So That's Where It Went!

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Yes, the Border Force is shambolic. Tell us something we don't know.

08:35 Tue 04th Jun 2024


Every one of them in that queue that voted Brexit should be sent to the back of the queue every time it's their turn at the front...

08:38 Tue 04th Jun 2024


Idiotic. No not you gulliver, your post.

08:40 Tue 04th Jun 2024


There should be a huge picture of Boris Johnson at the entance to every customs gate with the words printed saying ............."You were well and truly done you suckers"😎

08:42 Tue 04th Jun 2024


Question Author

Totally agree Gully – and those individuals that want us to leave the ECHR should have those rights removed; no fair criminal trials them, go straight to jail (no evidence required).

08:44 Tue 04th Jun 2024


NMA 08.40 Idiotic. No not you NMA your answer.

08:45 Tue 04th Jun 2024


It amazes me that people are still willing to travel to countries where they are not welcomed. France and Spain in particular. There are still many countries throughout Europe that people from this country are still very welcome and can have an enjoyable holiday. France and Spain are definitley off my list of holiday destinations.

It is strange that France are behaving in this way particularly at the present time when we are remembering the many thousand British soldiers who lost their lives freeing that country after 4 years of enemy occupation in War World 2. Ungrateful or What!!!!!!

08:51 Tue 04th Jun 2024


It's not France being unwelcome it's France following EU rules put in place because the UK left! We would do the same if the shoe was on the other foot. French people are very welcoming to British people especially in Normandy and Brittany.

09:04 Tue 04th Jun 2024


Of course it's nothing to do with Brexit. You need not point that out. It's to do with the federal blocks adverse reaction to Brexit.

"with no explanation of why logjam has been caused", obviously, since it'd admit how disdainfully they treat others they don't care about.

09:05 Tue 04th Jun 2024


So are the French only disdainful to those going over on the Ferry? Where are the five hour queues for the channel tunnel? Or the five hour queues for flights into France? Maybe, just maybe, Ferries are dependant on good weather conditions and they have always been prone to delays. But just gloss over those facts for a bit of Jonny foreigner bashing. 😂😂😂

09:11 Tue 04th Jun 2024


Keep choming them sour grapes.

09:19 Tue 04th Jun 2024


Anyone who voted Brexit should not be allowed to go on holiday anywhere at all in the EU . That is what they voted for.. Out of the EU. They wanted nothing at all to do with the EU ever again. And now these idiots who were well and truly conned By the biggest con in the Con Party Boris Johnson are queing for hours and spending Thousands of £ss trying to get in to what they wanted to get out of.. Suckers!

09:20 Tue 04th Jun 2024


Dear Lord.......make it stop......

09:23 Tue 04th Jun 2024


Could this be a start of a revival for Blackpool & other UK holiday resorts?👍

09:33 Tue 04th Jun 2024


I blame Thatcher.😂

09:33 Tue 04th Jun 2024


They are skways disdainful. But the opportunity to mess up doesn't occur at all points simultaneously, unless a common system is at fault. But that goes without saying, doesn't it ?

09:34 Tue 04th Jun 2024


I blame Ted Heath. He put us into the mire without asking the public for permission.

09:35 Tue 04th Jun 2024



09:36 Tue 04th Jun 2024


Anyone who didn't vote for brexit should be shot as a collaborator. 😁

09:36 Tue 04th Jun 2024


Channelling your inner Adolf?

09:37 Tue 04th Jun 2024

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